Tuesday, October 14, 2003


Yep, I'm on vacation this weekend. I have a trip coming up, in fact I'll be leaving in mere minutes, and will be back tomorrow eve. I figured, "Two days gone in one week, what the hell, I'll take week one of my vacation while I'm at it." I spent yesterday on laundry detail, shopping detail, and getting the shit kicked out of me by the Town Council detail.

I shall be heading down the road, well, up the road, actually, to Pittsburgh to see the one and only Eddie Izzard. I did an honest-to-God blog on this fact last week, and it was in fact the very first blog not to post in the Comcast Fuckhead Debacle of 2003. It was all about my excitement, fear, and trepidation on making this trip. But mostly excitement. I love Eddie in the extreme and have been wanting to see him for about five years. (he rarely tours) Stennie and Flipsy both have already seen him this tour and have told me I'm in for a treat. I hope so. Boy. I need a treat.

Before I go, just a reminder that there's a new Acrochallenge below you there, yes, one blog (read it too), then the Acro, and since the blog is short I'm giving you a very special link to see Sherman's new outfit. This is Sherm and Ed, the esteemed leader of the Sauerkraut Band.



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