Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Links Aplenty

*Warning: contains links aplenty. Be prepared to click. And click back.

By way of a blog tonight, I'm going to give you a couple of links. Check them out, you'll he happy you did. Or should be. If you're not, it's no one's fault but yours.

I'm sure everyone knows by now that I'm quite quite fond of Blogger. Ever since the Big Blog Block of 2003, they've been very kind to me, and for this, I like them. I also like them for this:

A couple of weeks ago, a really cute article appeared in The Onion titled "Mom Finds Out About Blog." It tells the story of a geek's worst nightmare come true, his mom finding his weblog.

A few days ago as I was going into Blogger to blog, I noticed that on their main page not only did they show a link to that Onion story, but they had a counter to it as well. It was called "Update: We now have an official stance on this matter." I hope you can access that link without a username or password. It's a very cute FAQ page, all set up around how you can keep Mom from finding out about your blog. So, "Go Multi-lingual" ends up with a link to "How to post in a foreign language."

Just today on the same Blogger main page, I noticed they've added a new feature. It's called "How Not To Get Fired Because of Your Blog," and addresses a story about some schmoe at Microsoft who got fired because of his. Again, it's anothe FAQ-type setup, my favorite question being how "Photos: Choose your captions wisely" leads to a link for "How to post photos to your blog."

You know, Blogger could have become all shitty about showing up in news articles and funnies now that they've become a pop culture icon for the new century. I'm glad they seem to be having some fun with as well. Well done.

The next link came to me only today, by way of Mr M. It's made me laugh over and over and has occupied my tiny mind to no end. I don't know if you've seen it or not, but since I hadn't I thought I'd pass it along. It's the Church Sign Generator.

Go ahead, I dare you. Make a marquee for the Church Sign. And tell me you could stop at one. I won't believe you.

You can't link to the site for a sign you've made, but you can save your marquee as a picture and do things like post it on your blog.


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