Sunday, November 30, 2003


I had a strange day today. I had a day where I felt like I was pretty much the only person on earth.

You know, I just spent an entire vacation where I was by myself. Save for one day, anyway. I loved it. I worked around the house, I got things done, I watched movies. I'm not sure why today it was so upsetting.

I had a nice Thanksgiving, with Mr M and his friends Donna and Brandon. We ate, and watched Eddie Izzard videos, and did one of my favorite things, played board games. It was fun.

Friday, I was alone. I went out for a bit, rented some movies, came back and watched. Saturday, I was alone. Did absolutely fuck-all the entire day. Never left the house. Sat on my ass. Watched the snow. Watched the Hokies lose. Took a nap.

And so on to today. I woke up at about 7am. After an hour or so, went back to bed, but no sleep, just some TV. Alone, alone, alone. Got up again. Realized everyone I knew was somewhere else.

It was official. I'd gone stir crazy.

Around noon, I jumped into the shower, pulled on some clothes, and decided I had to get out of the house, even if it was just to drive around town for a while. And so I got in the car and drove.

And it was odd. Around town, even at noon, when you'd think people would be coming from church, and going to eat, and heading to all shopping points, the streets were relatively empty. So I hit the highway.

I drove and drove, finally in traffic, which was somehow comforting. I drove to B'burg. I didn't go to Mr M's. I didn't go anywhere. I had the perfect opportunity to be around lots of people, at any store I pleased, and yet, I never got out of the car. I looped around the town and started back home.

And I drove home, alone, with the sun in my eyes and a sinus headache. I got home about 4pm, went to the Comfy Chair soon after, and napped for about 3 1/2 hours.

Yep, a tank of gas and my last day of vacation blown to smithereens. And I still never spoke to another live person.

So tomorrow I'll start back to work, and be bombarded with things and people from all sides. And soon after I'll be praying for a few days with nothing to do and no people to have to see or talk to face to face.

Life's funny that way, I guess.


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