Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Well, the entries are in and I've watched as much "American Idol" as I can take. So now it's time to declare the winners in this week's Acro. The Laundry Acro.

The letters this week: H D L T I. The entries:

*Hey darlin', like to iron?
*Happy dryers -- lintless, tidy, immaculate
*Hope dryer leaves towels intact.
*"Husband doing laundry? That's impossible!"
*"Hot dryer lint terrific insulation"
*"Hopefully Dryell left tumbling inside"
*Harriet's dirty linen tittilates Irving.
*Hanging, drying longjohns tempt Isabel.
*Happy Days Launderette? Totally inane.
*Hey. Drop Larry's Tide - Instantly.
*He Did Load Towels Incorrectly.
*Hippos Don't Launder Tanktops. Interesting...
*Her dainties look tantalizingly Italian.
*How does Larry treat it?
*Hell, do low trousers itch!
*Happily doing laundry, trying inhalants.
*Hope dryer's lint thingy's inspected.
*Here's Downy! Lessens tyranny! Improved!
*Hang drying lingerie tickles imagination!
*Hopelessly dirty Levi's - totally "in".
*Hungover doing laundry? Take ibuprofen!

Great entries all. But let's get right to it.

Our first honorable mention goes to MSAGRO with his "Husband doing laundry? That's impossible!" I could hear that being said at the laundromat.

Second honorable mention goes to Krizzer with her "Hungover doing laundry? Take Ibuprofen!" I am, often! I'll try it!

This week's runner-up, which I totally loved, was Mike's "Here's Downy! Lessens Tyranny! Improved!" That totally cracked me up.

But this week's winner, not only because it was cute, but because it most fit my personal impression of something you'd overhear at the laundromat was LilyG with "Hey, darlin', like to iron?" Ah, those detergential romances....

Thanks to all who played, all who may possibly volunteer to judge, and please come back next week to play!


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