Monday, May 03, 2004


Hello, hello, hello, and how are all my little acrobabies today? Well, in continuing with a theme...

...The agony was that today I actually went back to work at TheCompanyIWorkFor. It was only from 1-5, but seemed like an eternity, and my back and shoulders got really tired. But it was OK. Tomorrow I'm working in the morning and taking the afternoon off. Sounds kind of like Mike's schedule, doesn't it? Nah, way more taxing than his.

Well, guess what? It's time for another it's-May-3d-so-why-is-it-only-42-degrees-outside round of Acromania! We have a guest judge this week. After spending the weekend with the man himself, I thought it only fitting that our judge this week be none other than the DeepFatFriar himself. So not only will he be judging your acros this week, he's also come up with this week's topic, which is a goodie.

The rules are almost the same, but pay close attention, there's a wrinkle. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acro they can corresponding to the random letters drawn from the acrobasket and pertaining to this following topic: "Things You Hated About High School." The judging this week will take place at 8pm, not 9pm as usual, but 8pm tomorrow night. DFF is an early riser; therefore, he's an early bedder. Soon after, I'll be announcing the decisions, and war will break out across the land. Just hide your torture photos of the captured, please. It may come back to haunt you.

This week's topic, "Things You Hated About High School." This week's letters:


There you have it. Now...(God forgive me for this one)...get to class!


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