New Feature?
Well, as strange as my weekend turned out to be, I've decided not to rehash it here in Betland. Suffice to say, I realized that even as my surgery is making me feel better physically, emotionally the same old neuroses are crawling my frame with alacrity.
And in fact, seems like all my Sundays are spent giving rehashes of my weekends, which, although most are enjoyable to me, make for some boring reading.
So I thought I'd try a new Sunday Night Feature here at Betland. If you don't like it, we won't continue with it and all will be forgotten. It comes from two sources. First and foremost, with my last Archie McPhee order, as a freebie I got an envelope of old recipe cards. They made me laugh, and they made the girls in the office at TheCompanyIWorkFor laugh, too.
Also, not long ago I found a website that cracked me up. It's pictures of Weight Watchers recipes from 1974. You know, back before Fergie discovered them and they got cool. If you're interested, here it is. Go there and enjoy.
So anyway, I thought maybe on Sunday nights, I'd feature a new photo of one of my recipe cards. Maybe you'll like them too, and we can do something with them. I don't know, guess the ingredients by the pictures, or - well, I would ask someone to volunteer to make them, but after looking at some of them, well, I'm not that cruel.
Tonight's first recipe card is for - yes, it is - the dreaded Brown Rice and Fruit Ring!

OK. Now, I'm looking at the ingredients here, and I assure you they're all good, wholesome items. From looking, though, I see egg-fried rice molded into a ball with egg yolks and bugs. Or if you want to get artsy about it, it looks a little like a calico bundt cake.
With leaves on top.
OK, who wants to make it first?
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