Monday, July 26, 2004

Sunday Acro Monday Picture Mania
First of all, may I just say thank you for playing Caption the Picture.  All the entries were wonderfully funny and clever, and I declare you all the winners.

OK, I tried to decide how to combine two days' blogs into one, and I think I may have come up with an answer.  First, I'm going to show you a couple of pictures, though.

The first is something I found when I was cleaning this evening.  I hadn't thought about it in ages, and it made me laugh.  It was when Taytie was in kindergarten.  And since I've gotten a couple of weepy comments lately about how yall can't believe he's all grown up now (hell, I can't believe it either), I thought I'd scan the copy of it I have.  His mom, of course has the original.  So may I now present to you - the masterpiece - "My Family:"


I know it's kind of hard to read, especially since it was a little bigger than the scanner wanted to copy it at.  But "My Family" consists of his dad, Brian, spelled "Brine," him ("me"), his mom ("Pat"), and their dogs at the time, Guinness (spelled "ginas") and Shandy ("Shande" - he was close on that one).  Then at the left you'll see his recently departed (they lasted about two weeks) goldfish, whose names were, if I recall, Zed and Mickey.  He didn't get that familiar, though, labeling them "goldfish - died," and "died to."  Bless his little heart.  I can remember, "Pulp Fiction" hadn't been out that long, and upon Zed's departure, my sister called me and said, "Zed's dead, baby.  Zed's dead."

Anyway.  The next picture I'm throwing in as an informational thing, just to let you know that somewhere out there, Percy Brown is walking around without his credentials.


Apparently, he abandoned his nametag the last day of Clarinetfest - just went wild, I guess - so I picked it up.  Who knows, I might want to be Percy Brown one day.

And now, finally, the moment you've all been waiting for.  This week's round of Acrochallenge will be tied into the Recipe of the Week.  This week we have everybody's favorite, the stuffed tomato salad.  Which to me is tuna in a hollowed out tomato, but to these folks it's oh-so-much more.  Shrimp, potatoes, mayo, eggs, mustard, sour cream, and a bunch of other stuff (except tuna) all mixed together and crammed right into that tomato there.


So this week's acro is:  acro anything you want to about the above picture. 

Three entries to come up with the best acro you can, I'll be judging tomorrow at 9pmish.  If it helps you at all, the serving suggestion is the tomato itself, along with "assorted relishes," and "creamy cheese pie," which I'm wondering whether or not is a fancy person's way of saying "cheesecake."

And here are the letters with which to embellish our recipe:

There you have it.  Two - two - two blogs in one!

(ps - Blogger has some neat new features, but one of them I hate - I can't seem to reduce the space between the end of the blog and my name and comments.)


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