Tuesday, August 31, 2004

And Then, Depression Set In

OK, who's done this?

You write a blog. It's a good blog. No, that's not really true. It's a fucking brilliant blog. You proofread it, give it a kiss, and send it off into Uploadland.

And Blogger promptly eats it. And you lose your brilliant blog forever.

Well, that happened to me tonight. I'd try to recreate it but I can't. I don't have any more creativity left, and, personally, I'm drained to the core. I can't believe Blogger ate my blog.

I need to go lie down. For days.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* They're still over.
* Gymnast Carly Patterson was on Dave last night. The segment went something like this: "Well, I was like at a birthday party and I was like jumping all over the place and this coach came up to my mom and he was like, "Is she in gymnastics?" and my mom was like, "No," and he was like, "Are you sure?" and she was like, "I'm sure," and then he came over to me and was like, "Are you sure you're not in gymnastics?" and I'm like, "I'm sure." It was, like, riveting.


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