Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The (Band Name Generated) Clarinet Quartet

OK, so Mr L of the quartet gave me this link to the Band Name Generator. It's completely addictive, and it's come up with all kinds of great names for the quartet. No, really, some of them are pure genius, and I'd be happy to have them as our name. However, since it's not up to me alone, I thought I'd list some here and see if we can get a groundswell of support for one name or another.

Seriously bitchin'ly good names:
* Copious Benevolent (that's genius)
* Woodwind of the Balance
* Negative B-Flat
* Winds Faction
* Clarinet Outlook

Funnier ones, but I'd still be proud to have them:
* Symphony Licorice
* Woodwind Maneuver (it's not guns that kill people, it's maneuvers)
* Faithless Clarinet
* Woodwind Satire
* Clarinet Tentacle
* Four Players Fifth
* Morbid Steady
* Licorice Tofu

Still funnier ones that I'd just like to see on a Marquee:
* Conflict of the Woodwind Enemy
* Four Players of the Insecurity
* B-Flat Pod (that actually came up)
* Quartet Jello and the Midwest Flag
* Irish Woodwind of the Moody Catapult
* Clarinet Arse (Mr M is a huge fan of this one)
* Clarinet Loser (isn't that redundant?)
* Clarinet Pressed of a Different Moth
* Four Players of the Adjacent Critical
* Woodwind Father and the Nudist
* Milky Winds and the Horned Reject
* Woodwind of the Coma ("Woodwind in a coma I know, I know, it's serious")

Now, from almost the first, Mr L had suggested The _____ Clarinet Project, with something in the blank. I kind of liked the Glade Clarinet Project, since we practice on Glade Road. However, when I punch in "clarinet" and "project," well, look out:
* Fictional Clarinet Project
* Roaring Clarinet Project and the Pocket
* Clarinet Project Curse (that's appropriate)
* Personal Clarinet Project
* Motivated Clarinet Project of the Cola Qualm
* Catholic Clarinet Project
* Groovy Clarinet Project (I don't think we need go any further)
* Morbid Clarinet Project of the Exploding Gnat
* Undead Clarinet Project

Well, I could go on all day.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Well, the Hokies may have sucked wind Monday night in the Sugar Bowl (how they got out with only a 3-point loss is beyond me), but the night did have its moments of excitement for me. My buddy Drew, who's a freshman at Tech and a trainer/manager for the team, got no fewer than four national TV close-ups! Four, count them, I know you won't. Seems like every time they drifted off the action on the field I was yelling, "Drewie!"


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