Picture Acrochallenge!
OK, let's get this straight out of the way.
Tammy Hurley, I hate you. I don't know where you are, and moreover, I don't know who you are. All I know is that you don't know how to properly secure and/or dispose of your garbage, and twice in this blessed day I've been out in my yard picking up your shit.
I guess the first time was my fault. It was lunch. I thought I'd pick up all the crap you had in your flimsy unsecured excuse for a trash bag that winded its way into my yard. So here I am putting all your stuff back into your cheap bag and trying to secure it under my properly set up trash bag. I'd no more gotten inside and bitten into my salami when I saw it all go flying through my yard yet again. So I left it for after work.
And so after work I went at it again, trying at first with a straightened out wire coat hanger so I wouldn't have to touch the stuff. But of course, the ground (and your crap) being all wet, that wouldn't work. So I found myself chasing and picking up envelopes, bills, pretzel bags, Hardees' hamburger wrappers, the protective strips that cover the adhesive on a pantyliner, invoices - and the piece de resistance, your signature on a credit card receipt.
See, Ms Tammy Hurley, I could really get back at you, couldn't I? But I'm so nice that not only do I pick up after your ass, but I'm not going to max out your credit card. Though something tells me that the kind of people who let their trash fly all over someone else's yard probably don't have a lot left to max.
It's so Monday here.
Well, please forgive me my babies, I had no pictures for you, not even old ones I could get excited about, and so therefore I just flat-ass ditched Picture Sunday. I needed a little me time, anyway.
So this week we're going to do something we did a while back. Maybe last year or so. The topic of tonight's acro is going to be to acro about the Recipe Du Jour, which I shall picture forthwith:
Now there's a pile of meat. In little ball-like spheres.
Everyone knows the acrorules. Everybody gets three entries to come up with the best acronyms they can that not only match the topic above, but also match the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. I'll judge around 10pmish est tomorrow night, and the winners will dance around happily and praise the day I was born, and the losers shall sit around hoping I choke on a Swedish Meatball.
By the by, if anyone needs some acroinspiration, The Card says here that our meatballs should be served with buttered noodles (pictured), pickled beets with onions (pictured), braided coffee cake (not pictured), and dilled zucchini (also not present at picture time). It doesn't mention that boat of brown stuff, but I imagine it's Swedish Meatball Stuff, not unlike the substance that forms when you put water on Gravy Train.
So our topic is "Swedish Meatballs." The letters:
Grease your minds, and begin acroing please.
Betland's Olympic Update:
* I'm going to be trying a new wrinkle in acro next week, and maybe incorporate it in from time to time, if you like it. It was actually Mr M's idea, which is odd, since he never acros, but I kind of liked it. So I guess you'll just have to hang around till next week, huh?
* My embochure is kaputfinito. I lost it somewhere. My lips are shot. My clarinet playing days are over.
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