Thursday, March 10, 2005

More Pictures!

OK, more photos of Cleveland.

Tonight it's the Hard Rock Cafe. My boy Sherman had a groovy time at the Cafe. Now, I'll bet you didn't know what a rock-n-roll fan S is. Of course, his mentor and doggie daddy isn't so fond of that, but tolerates it.

Imagine his excitement at finding a real-live red plastic Devo hat!

Then what should we find but a poster of one of Sherman's favorite bands!

As we were leaving, S saw a section dedicated to one of his heroes. Here he is enjoying some John Lennon memorabilia.

As you can plainly see, the Hard Rock people were much nicer than those museum bastards. They let Sherman climb all over any exhibit he wanted.

There'll be more pictures appearing soon in the Gallery. That is, just as soon as I get the gumption to make the additions.

Here's a blast from the past. It's Kiefer's. No, not Kiefer Sutherland's, but an old German place Mr M used to play clarinet in when he was but a lad. It was his first flirtation with German music. The restaurant is now defunct, but I'll be damned if their sign didn't survive.

And our final Cleveland picture - don't worry, tomorrow are the "coming home" pictures - is of a sign we saw in the West Side. A reputable company, I'm sure. This one's for all my girlfriends.

Hmmm. Wonder if they're listed on the Dow-Jones.

Anyway, one more day of this stuff. You'll survive, I promise.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Commercial alert: I know I'm always on about this, I mean, I remember doing an entire blog about it. Weenie-stiffening pills. They're all horrendous, but I keep seeing this new one for Cialis. Two things: apparently the pharamaceutical name for Cialis is "tadalafil." It just makes me think, take the pill and - ta-da! Also, there's a little blurb in the bottom left corner that says, "See our ad in Golf Digest." So, are golfers more impotent than most people? Is it those plaid pants?
* Hmmm. Strange things are afoot.


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