Thursday, May 19, 2005

Just One More Reason Why My Nephew Rocks

I wasn't there, but the story was related to me.

Yesterday, DJ TaytieMac was playing in a baseball game. I think I mentioned briefly how his baseball team is, well, struggling. They happened to be playing one of the better teams in the area.

And they were getting shellacked. 10 runs behind. Hadn't had a man on base all day, till DJTM got up to bat and got a single.

So there stood The Nephew on first. And, as should never happen, but often happens in Little League, and is embarrassing when it happens in high school, my guy started being taunted by the rival team's first baseman.

"Oooooh, look at you, got on base, think you're a big man. Aren't you cool. Ooooooh." Et Cetera.

Finally, TM turned around to his taunter.

"Tell me something. Does my butt look OK in these pants?"

Stare of disbelief.

"No, really. I was checking it earlier, but I can't really tell."

Stare of disbelief. Followed by a curt, "I'm not lookin' at your butt." And silence.

Way to go, Mac.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Last night Mr M and I blew off band and went on a bike ride. Remember that "3/8 of a mile" I'd been huffing and puffing my way through? Turns out there are mile markers on the park benches throughout the bike path. We've been going 5-6 miles. Told you so.
* On the fashion front: One of the new babies in my life, Baby Kendall. She's 18 days old, and is already the proud owner of five bathing suits. I'm not sure I've had five bathing suits in the last five years.


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