Picture Monday
Hello, hello, I'm a day late and a few hours late. But here I am with a Picture Monday for you all. Seems my life has gone something in the direction of hell lately, but I'm trying to hold it together. I'm just not very timely.
I did finally get the podmobile serviced today, about 3000 miles past its sell-by date. And although I called to get a new back tail-light and cover, they couldn't order it till I look and see if one very important part of my vehicle (a little silver rod) is bent; if it's bent, it's not going to be the quickie job I'd hoped for. I guess I was so excited to finally get my car serviced I forgot to look at the rod. Oh, well, maybe tomorrow morning.
Anyway, let's look back to the weekend. If we dare.
Well, first of all, I got to spend some quality time with the one, the only, he of the acro and so much more, yes, the DeepFatFriar:
You know, we've tried to get DFF to have a little work done to remove some of his more feline features, but he seems quite happy this way. Rrrrowwwrrrr!
Now, our next picture comes courtesy of The Friar himself. And let me tell you, it's quite a coup.
As you'll recall, last week I mentioned Sherman's friend Herschel the Woodchuck. Now, I have a feeling you may have thought I was making all this up. You know, that maybe Sherman's friend was imaginary. Because Herschel is a pretty skittish creature, even when he's being wooed by clarinet music. But by damn, look what DFF shot (photographically speaking) while he was here:
Awwwww - look at that baybeeeee!
Saturday night was fun and games night. Mr M and The Friar played Scrabble, while ESP and I indulged in a little idea of hers - psychological crafts. She decided we were going to make me a bracelet that I could wear that would be a reminder not to scratch the skin off my face. I ended up making four bracelets (just because it was so damn fun), while she made me two pairs of earrings. Has it stopped the tearing? Well, it sure as hell didn't Saturday or Sunday, but I'm working on it today.
Now, I'm not going to print pictures of my wares yet because I don't have enough confidence to show them off, plus, if I gain said confidence they might make a whole Picture Sunday next week.
And now, drum roll please (bddddddddddddddd): A brand new set of recipe du jour cards!
And thank you, Jellybean for these. One day in a perfect world I'll be able to read your blog again at work. We'll start this time with the opener card and get it out of the way. So may I present for you all, Some Fish!
This is one of those things I generally don't like - fish that's actually shaped like a fish. Fish shaped like a fish generally has bones and skin on it. However, how could one turn down a piece of fish shaped like a fish with those beautiful ziggy-zaggy lemons topped with olives? Or the puddings, in their only little cups? Or? Or?? The piece de resistance, the gourmet tater tots? No one turns down tots on my watch.
Happy week.
Betland's Olympic Update:
* OK, so they're saying they might bring charges against the woman who ran away from her wedding. This pisses me off. The authorities are going to charge her because she made them - do their job. What other business or organization on earth other than law enforcement has the right to prosecute a person because he/she wastes their time? None. If someone wants to come in and pretend to want my services and then piss off laughing, I have to sit there and take it. Why should the police be any different?
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