Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I can't seem to stay awake tonight.

I sat down after work to decide my next plan of action, turned on Rachael Ray at 6:00, and suddenly I was watching "Emeril" and it was 8:30. I rummaged around for food, ate said food, then was getting ready to fall off again when I punched myself in the leg and made myself get up and walk around a while.

Maybe I've been bitten by a tse tse fly. With a beak. (A Jose Greco de Muerto)

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Wow - I may have thought it'd be hard, but many people came out for acro. And some fine entries, too. It's going to be very difficult judging tonight.
So - what changed yall's lives?
Honorable Mention: DeepFatFriar's "Having Wire Rimmed Glasses."
Runner-Up: Jellybean's "Hungry was radio gold."
And for the first time in acrohistory, and, sure I may be copping out, but I can not decide. We've got a three-way tie!!
Winners: Stennie's "Hitchcock, Wilder, Renoir, Gilliam." Kellie's "Having Wedding Ring Given." LilyG's "Hearing Whizzing Rockets, Grenades."
Now, this is because for all three of you, I know that these really did change your lives, and actually, reading them kind of touched me. In that acro sort of way. So kudos to you three, and kudos to everyone, because there were some great acros here - too bad everyone can't win.
Thanks for playing!


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