Sunday, August 14, 2005

Picture Sunday - Indeed!

Happy Sunday, everybody, and welcome to a rather meager Picture Blog.

Bet is not well at the moment. Something I ate. It's not with me anymore, it's long gone, but the nausea remains. I'm nursing a cup of coffee in my comfy bathrobe, but I long to be curled up in the chair, so I'm going to post a couple of pictures and call it a night.

I'm posting, since I was asked, a couple of pictures from my favorite cookbook of the Ebay lot. And yes, I can give you all proof positive that there actually is a book with the title "The South Jersey Asparagus Cookbook." By the way, I underestimated in my earlier blog - it has a whopping 14 pages.


I decided to pick my favorite picture from the cookbook to display tonight. It's official name is "Surprise Stuffed Tomatoes," and what a surprise! I like to call it "Phallic Asparagus." It's quite grand.


I'd be proud to be any stalk of phallic asparagus if I could be in that dish.

OK, and now to the real recipe. The recipe du jour. It's just like Mom used to make, if Mom really likes cottage cheese - it's Cottage Cheese Meatloaf!

OK, meatloaf is great, but this is a little dry. However, look at the festive nature of the cottage cheese ball! We also get a lovely fruit salad, and the card says we get angelfood cake, too, though they're not showing. And why aren't they showing? Because the family ate it all instead of what's on the plate!

This actually reminds me (the cottage cheese scoop) of a Taytie story. When he was in kindergarten, his mom asked him one day what he had for lunch. And his face screwed up into a frown and he said, "Tuna." And she asked him, "Don't you like tuna?" And his response was, "It was cold...and in a ball!"

Happy week.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* I want to make a correction to my Seven Deadly Sins meme. When asked what I'd done I was most proud of, I was really stumped for an answer, of course, being me and not thinking anything I do is worthwhile. So I opted out for flying to England. When in reality I don't know why I didn't think of the answer, "Buying the Poderosa." I'm much more proud of that. Thanks for listening.
* I really like the way that ceramic chicken oversees the asparagus on the cover of "The South Jersey Cookbook." It's very comforting, for some reason.


Blogger Lily said...

Phallic, but it could use a little..pumping.

And cottage cheese meatloaf? I actually understand the principle and it probably does add to a meatloaf, but it just sounds nasty. I couldn't bear to eat cottage cheese until about a year ago. The appearance and consistency just reminded me of... well, you know what it reminds me of.

10:12 PM  
Blogger stennie said...

I'm hoping the South Jersey Asparagus Cookbook has some handy tips on disposing of guys you had to whack -- in the asparagus garden, perhaps.

Sorry you're not feeling well! Get better soon.

12:35 AM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...

Whoa-those tomoatoes are stuffed indeed. I'm frightened.

5:53 PM  

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