Monday, October 24, 2005


Monday, Monday, can't trust that day. Or so said the Mamas and Papas so many years ago. Then again, the Mamas and Papas didn't have that cornucopia of happiness known as acromania.

My Monday consisted of driving off to yet another TheCompanyIWorkFor meeting - in the snow, no less! No accumulation of any sort, but it was snowing right there upon the old podmobile2 for a good 30 minutes. Odd, considering that just last night I watched a Marcello movie in which snow figured prominently. In fact, the movie ended with a cold Marcello walking through the snow and making friends with a doggie. Now how's that for swoon factor?

So anyway, I'm thinking snow, but something tells me we've done snow as an acrotopic. I know we've done just about every other weather phenomena. So, since the last weekend of Oktoberfest is upon us, let's make that our topic du jour. Or du week. Tell me anything you want about Oktoberfest.

All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but the letters below, which are drawn from an increasingly surly acrobasket. He's a little miffed he's not been invited up the mountain to join in the festivities as of yet. Then at 10pm est tomorrow night (remember that - there is a time limit) I shall be judging the entries and the winning acros get a low-brass shot of Jagermeister, and the losers shall get a plate filled to the brim with liverwurst.

So the topic, Oktoberfest. The letters:


Now, prost! And acro!

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Boy, did I watch a fun movie tonight - a sad and cautionary tale called "Maryjane," all about the marijuana problem amongst high schoolers in the sixties, and starring no less a person than Fabian as a hip teacher. What a load of crap. Fun crap, though. Very fun crap.


Blogger Michelle said...

Ok - I'm acroing VERY early this time around so as not to be disqualified.


Even Mikey's lushy rants ignite dancing!

Entsetzlich! Mein Liter Rotwein ist Dreck!

Eating murky Leberkäse really is disgusting.

10:59 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

Elizabeth makes lips ready... "In D"

Evoking Munich, let's roll. It's dancing!

Ewwww. Many libations regurgitated in drain.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every Musician Looked Raptured in Drunkeness.
Ed, Music, Lederhosen. Raucous Indignant Drunks.
Ernest made love right in Dessert.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Bet said...

These come courtesy of the DeepFatFriar, who doesn't seem to be compatible with the letter format:

1. Eerie music lingers repulsively in dells.
2. Enormous moldy leaf redoubts in driveway.
3. Elizebeth! Mountain Lake! Remember? I'll drive!

9:48 PM  

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