Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What I'm Thankful For

Yes, folks, tomorrow is that day we all give thanks for the bounty in our lives.

I'll be spending the day with Mr M, in the Fourth Annual Refugee's Thanksgiving Dinner. It's a fun day, no family to be on your best behavior around, and no one minding if you play the clarinet in the kitchen or cuss a lot.

I went to the store today, I was in charge of choosing a turkey (sorry, Flipsy) and producing a pumpkin pie for tomorrow. A pumpkin pie I shall be presenting to Mr M, for I can't eat the damn things anymore. No bother, though, I still like making them, since pumpkin pie is one of the cooking items I can honestly say I do well. (Pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, meat loaf, tuna salad, deviled eggs, and my fish and tomato concoction. Wouldn't I make a wonderful wife!)

Anyway, I had to cram my visit to the grocery into my lunch hour, so I was speeding around like a contestant on "Supermarket Sweep," trying to get all my items and back to the salt mines. As I was cutting up an aisle to make it to the turkeys, I had a little stop. See, I realized I was on the pen and pencil aisle.

I love the pen and pencil aisle. Something about pens and pencils really excites me. I could look at them all day, and I thought I'd take a few minutes and scan around for a certain pen I've been looking for. It's a blue Paper-Mate with a medium point I just love, and I came back to work from vacation a few weeks ago to find that mine had disappeared. I scoured the office, everyone else's desks, and it was nowhere to be found. I was crushed.

Well, they didn't have that particular pen, I wasn't expecting them to, but they had something else. They had something else so stupendous, I just had to buy it. It was only $2.50, but I don't care if it had been $20.00, it would still have to be mine.

Lawks a mercy. Pens with anti-bacterial pen protection!

Now when someone with exceedingly dirty hands, or bird flu, or syphillis, or anything else decides they want to handle my pen, I can still take it back from them and stick it squarely in my mouth! What a time to be living in.

If that's not a reason to make you hit your knees and give thanks, I don't know what is.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* I said I was going to do tonight what I'd planned to do every single Friday night of Oktoberfest but failed to do. That would be get everything ready and right at the door so all I have to do tomorrow is get up, get ready, and get out the door. Have I done it yet? Of course not.


Blogger Lily said...

Well you don't always knows where those pens have been. And some of them have been in some pretty interesting places.

Happy T-day! I'm making for T-day my favorite thing for this holiday - reservations! No turkey to make, no cranberries to make, and no pumpkin pie or cheesecake. Sounds heavenly.

10:17 PM  

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