Monday, December 26, 2005


Yep, here it is. The last acro of 2005. I know it's the holidays and all, and some of you might have your minds away from letters, but we're still going to try a round here and see what happens.

So the year is coming to an end. And you know what that means. Resolutions! Are you going to quit smoking? Start losing weight? Start gaining weight? Give up twice-daily sexual encounters with prostitutes? (No, Mike, you don't have to give that up, it's OK.) Are you going to stop polluting your body with rotgut gin, or are you just going to quit blowing your payday at the racetrack?

Or will it be something more imaginative? Knowing you lot, it will be. Anyway, this week's acrotopic is "So, You Crum - What's Your New Year's Resolution?"

All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket has resolved to spend more time next year with his brother, who's a collection basket at a local Baptist Church. They haven't always seen eye to eye. Then tomorrow night at 10pm est, I shall be reading over the entries and naming the winners, who will receive their very own 2006 calendar with nothing but pages marked "January." That way, with each new month they can start on their resolutions all over again. The losers will be beat about the head and shoulders.

The topic is "So, You Crum - What's Your New Year's Resolution?" The letters:


Now, stop contemplating your navels and acro.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Toyed with the idea of taking down the Christmas tree tonight, but kept moving it to the back of my head. I really have no use for a tree starting Dec 26th, but something just kept nagging me, and I finally figured out it was "I'll be damned if I'm spending my one day off taking down a tree." So I put my day off to such better usage. Laundry and kitchen cleaning. Happy holidays to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dancing. Undulating Slices Extra Pounds.
Doing Upward Scales. Extra Practice.
Driving Unicycles. Slow Exercise Pays.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Linda Shippert said...

Deliberately use sexist euphemisms periodically

Delete undesirably salacious emphasis posthaste

Deliver useful stories every pm

12:52 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

Deny unseemly sexual experiences. Pronto.
Drop unusually silly exasperating prats.
Demand unwelcome side effects. Prozac?

12:54 PM  
Blogger Bet said...

Submitted via email at 3:33pm from DeepFatFriar:

Deliver universal sexual ecstacy personally.

Deny unwanted sales enticements preemptively.

Dust under stacked erotic paraphernalia.

5:27 PM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...


Do unexpected summersaults en publico.

Drug Use. Sex. Extreme Partying.

Dive under shit. Emerge painlessly.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

My New Year's Resolutions!

Douche underneath, stop eating paste.

Develop unusually sexy, emotive personality

Dump unworthy shithead, exorcise permanently

8:11 PM  

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