Hello, acroers, acroites, acroees, and acrophobes, and you know who you are. Welcome to that wonder of Monday called acromania.
Ahhhh. My skin. Yes, I'm always on about my skin, it's too dry, too oily, too wrinkled, too something. But guess what it's been lately? Too yellow. Yes, three times now in the last three weeks, I've awoken from sleep and noticed yellow patches on my skin. Once on my thumb, once on my forearm, and, in an alarming turn of events, just yesterday, all over all my fingers. Now, it's not jaundice, because it eventually comes off, after something upwards of 100 washings. But it's quite disconcerting, and while I have a very very small inkling of what might be causing it, I really have no idea. So why don't you tell me. This week's acrotopic is "Why does Bet have yellow skin?"
All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket is brown, has always been brown, and will not tolerate any changes of color in his wicker. Then at 10pm est tomorrow night I'll be reading over the entries and naming the winners, who will spend next week with the golden glow of victory, while the losers will be given the task of washing my skin the 100 requisite times to get it back to its normal color.
So the topic, "Why does Bet have yellow skin?" The letters:
Ick. I think I shook the basket too hard. But no mind - just go acro.
Betland's Olympic Update:
* By the way, I'm blaming the culprit on a stray urinary tract infection pill that may have found its way into my cosmetic bag or some other place, and is coming in contact with my skin. I mean, the stuff makes you pee orange, it can't do much for your skin.
Eager x-linked fissure metastisized abnormally
Elizabeth's xeroxed fingers mystically alienized
Eek! Xerxes fondled my anatomy.
Elizabeth's Xanax. Feeing mighty abashed.
Eating xantheinized foods. Mighty appetizing.
(This is what you get for letting the acrobasket keep the "x". And look up that last one. I win. And also - UTI? Cipro. No faffing about with the yellow pills. Kill EVERY little bugger in your system)
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