Monday, January 16, 2006


Hello, Monday Letter People.

Tiring day in Betland, though not a bad one. TheCompanyIWorkFor was closed for MLK Day, though we still had to go to work. It was Inventory Day for us, so I spent the entire day in my office, tearing things up and throwing them away, then putting what was left back where it was supposed to be. I think. I'm sure tomorrow I'll realize I threw away at least one thing I desperately need.

So, it was Inventory Day for me today. Taking stock. I'm sure there's a way to turn that into an acrotopic. How about, oh, say, "Inventory Day." You're in your office, or kitchen, or bedroom, or car. Give me a little inventory of what you're taking stock of.

All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket took a little stock today, too. He's missing two "A"s and an "E." Which is perfectly fine with me, because there are too many of those anyway. He's a little irked, though. He likes his letters. Then tomorrow night at 10pm est I shall be reading the entries and naming the winners, who'll receive - the 12 Hefty-sized garbage bags of everything I threw away today. The non-winners will get to look for whatever it was I threw away today that I'll desperately need tomorrow.

So the topic, "Inventory Day." The letters:


See? Es and As. But forget all that, and acro, acro, acro.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Hey, I saw a great commercial today! On BBCAmerica, of course. Remember a month or so ago when I saw the commercial about the device that shocks doggies into staying away from things, like the furniture? This one was for "Doggy Steps," a little carpeted set of stairs that actually helps your doggie get onto the furniture! Onto the couch, chair, bed, wherever he wants to go, he just climbs those little stairs and voila. Now, there's a product.


Blogger Flipsycab said...


Tweezing ingrown eyebrows while addressing acne.
Tally incidentals extensively. Waste accumulates anon.
Taking inventory eventually warrants an analysis.

6:36 PM  
Blogger stennie said...

Olympic update comment: in addition to Doggy Steps, they also sell a doggie ramp for helping doggies get up into the car, and I tried to find one for Rimsey when she was sick so she could get up on my bed easier. It was a lot of damn money for a ramp.

I've got no acros for now, but if I get some time later I may try to come back and play. Maybe I'll end up winning by default if no one else plays!

6:38 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

Take it! Ejecting wildly all accumulations.

Tired, I expel wilted apples, asparagus.

Tempting insanity, we abandon appropriateness.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tape. Incredible Eraser with Artistic Art.
Tea Infuser. Edibles? White Altoids, Appetizing.
Toothbrush. Incredibly Enjoyable Windup Animal. Amusing.

9:16 PM  

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