Monday, February 13, 2006


Hellooooooooooooo! It's already Monday, and time for another put-down-your-remotes-and-hie-thee-to-the-computer round of acromania.

Well. I guess the big news of the weekend, other than the Olympics, was that little tidbit of news that wasn't supposed to get out to the public at large. It wasn't much, really, just a little mishap of the tiniest of proportions, just a bobble, just the slight faux pas of Dick Cheney shooting a man in the face!

Now, this has been widely reported - now that it's out - as a "hunting accident." Yeah. Sure it was. I've no doubt in my mind that Cheney went right up to Harry Whittington and shot him square in the face. And this brings us to this week's acrotopic. "What Did Whittington Say Right Before Getting Shot In The Face By Cheney?"

All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket once shot the wind-up robot on my television set. He said it was "an accident" as well. Then tomorrow night at 10pm est I shall be reading the entries and judging the winners, who will get bulletproof vests, and not naming the non-winners, who will get an all-expense paid hunting trip with Dick Cheney himself.

So, the topic? "What Did Whittington Say Right Before Getting Shot In The Face By Cheney?" The letters:


So put down your weapons and acro. And stay away from my face.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* People are falling all over the place! Two skiiers and a luger were carted off to the hospital today after their runs. Now that's what the Olympics are all about!
* Curling started today! Curling started today! USA! USA! USA! Currrrrrrrrl!


Blogger stennie said...


1. "I nailed Bush's Nazi grandma, Cheney."

2. "I'm not bribing no Grand-Jury Court."

3. "Ignorant no-good Bible-thumping no-good goddamn cocksucker."

10:44 PM  
Blogger Linda Shippert said...

I never believed nuclear gun claims.

Iraq never boasted no guns, Cheney.

I never! Bush nailed Grandma Cheney?

2:10 PM  
Blogger Bet said...

Just in via Messenger From DeepFatFriar:

I never believed no GOP crap.

Iraq? Never bought nothing George claimed.

Iraq? Never believing no government coverup.

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need buckshot. Not Getting Coffee.
I need billions now. Gun? Cheney!
Ignorant Nebraska-born Nincompoop. Gads, Cheney!

9:42 PM  

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