Friday, April 21, 2006

Another Left Turn Down Technical Difficulty Lane

And believe us, folks, that's Stennie and me for those of you in the know, it's not a fun place to be.

Yes, I'm sure you were all waiting with held breath and clinched fists for this week's Hucklebug podcast. But it's not here.

I could tell you the whole story, but it would make you cry, and then I'd cry just remembering it, and then the little men in white coats and butterfly nets would come and carry me away and I wouldn't get to go see the Hackensaw Boys tonight.

Just suffice to say that we recorded a lovely podcast for all you wonderful podcastees, lost it in the recording, recorded a second one for you self-same podcastees, and I'll be damned if we didn't lose that one too.

But never fear, my babies! This weekend we shall be doing a "Very Special Episode" of the Hucklebug, and it'll be our best podcast yet, we promise. We promise this knowing nothing of what we will be talking about or even if we'll be able to keep from losing it as well.

But we shall overcome! Someday!

(Of course, for the latest podcast, if you haven't listened yet, head to

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Did I mention I'm going to see the Hackensaw boys tonight?


Blogger Krizzer said...

Have a great time!

1:07 PM  

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