Friday, June 09, 2006

Picture Friday

So, from my podcastmate Stennie comes the Picture Meme. Here are the rules. Go to Google Image search, and search for the following items. Then pick your favorite image that appears on the first page of the search for each. Simple, no? Yes!

1. The city and state of the town you grew up, no quotation marks.
2. The town where you currently reside.
3. Your name, first and last, but again, no quotes.
4. Your grandfather's name.
5. Your favorite food.
6. Your favorite drink.
7. Your favorite smell.

Please remember, folks, it did say, "your favorite image that appears." And by the way, I see "copyright infringement" written all over this meme, but to all you people whose pictures I used, I love you dearly and think of it as a tribute. An homage.

1. Searched "Charleston, West Virginia"

Because nothing says "home" like a picture of the bus station.

2. Searched "Bluefield, Virginia"

How can this not be my favorite image? In and amongst all the maps, pictures of Main Street, and people's faces, here was this one of a woman being comforted by a priest while her auto-crash victim husband lies there in limbo. With a big thing on his face. I hope he survived.

3. Searched "Elizabeth Bowles"

Sadly, this happens to me everytime I Google-search my name. I end up dead somewhere. And Lewis? Lewis? Lewis isn't a Hackensaw Boy. Lewis isn't my favorite actor. I don't even know this Lewis! Oh, well, at least I lived past 74.

4. Searched "Eugene Bowles"

This, by the way, is not my grandfather. Nor my grandmother, for that matter. Like their outfits, though.

5. Searched "Crab Rangoons"

Apparently Keith likes crab rangoons. At least that's what his website says. Also apparently, Keith is a dragon of sorts.

6. Searched "Martini"

Now, I have a problem with this picture. Not only is it boring, but one olive in a martini? Give me a break.

7. Searched "Puppy Breath"

Nothing says love and happiness like a face full of puppy breath. Look at that. Who's a good doggie? Who's a good doggie? You are, baby.

And so ends the meme. But not the pictures.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Friday shall be Salvage Day at Betland.

Ahhh, charismo player extraordinaire. With Baby J in the background. Salvage had added a new feature to his charismo - a nice cartoon picture of George Bush with devil horns. You can almost see it there.

During the encore, maybe the only performance picture you'll see of Salvage without the charismo. What he was beating on, I've no idea.


Blogger Linda Shippert said...

Bet, you did not lead me wrong. We really enjoyed "The In-Laws." And are quite smitten with Alan F. Arkin, himself.

2:20 AM  
Blogger Krizzer said...

That picture of the puppy just made me so happy, Bet. Good choice!

1:27 PM  

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