Hello, letter lovers! And welcome to another Monday evening round of acromania.
I found myself out to dinner with the folks last night. And it was fun. It was fun anyway, but it became even more fun when we all ordered a round of drinks, and, because I wasn't driving, I ordered a second round. I found myself talking and talking, which, if you know me and my relationship with the parents, was pretty amazing. (My folks and I have a great relationship, and I normally attribute this to the fact that I don't tell them much about what goes on in my life.)
But there I was chattering away, about my blog, how I make the recipe du jour cards, experiences going to see the Hackensaw Boys, my distaste for Tempie, I was surprising myself with the sheer number of words even as they were coming out of my mouth.
And that brings us to tonight's acrotopic. "I Got A Little Tipsy, And Said To My Parents...."
All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket told his elder baskets he always wanted to be a little girl's bicycle basket. They've never quite forgiven him. Then tomorrow night at 10pm est I shall be reading the entries and naming the winners, who can have a drink on me, and the non-winners, who'll be drinking alone.
So the topic, "I Got A Little Tipsy, And Said To My Parents...." The letters:
A lot of letters. Hey, you're drunk, you're rambling. So acro.
Betland's Olympic Update:
* A little shout-out to the recovering Taytie, who had the most incredibly unfortunate occurrence today. He was, while mowing, literally "covered in bees."
Lily G, feeling joyful, nattered on needlessly. "Loved guy, felt jealous, now over. Nuts." "Lil? Go find just nice one -- now!"
And damn, poor Taytie. Probably not as funny as when Eddie said it.
Poor DJ Taytie Mac! I hope he isn't allergic to bees.
Licking genitalia, fondling Jews, not ordinary nuns!
Like G-Strings? FUN! Jiggles nicely, own nine.
Let go, freaks! Just nattering - only nattering...
Lets get frackin jiggy now on nog!
Lemme guess: family jewels not only nads?
Lit gigangtic freakin joint. Nodding out now.
Left Garden Faucet Just Nudged. Ooozed! No!
Lit George. Fire. Just Need Oil Now!
Lesbian. Gay Friend Joined Nightime Orgy. Nice.
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