Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Fun

OK. I'll bite. This one comes from the everpresent Stennie, well, actually that's a lie, she nor I are everpresent on the podcast, because we'll be missing you this week and next. I hope the network hasn't put us on hiatus. That's a sure sign of cancellation, you know.

Anyway, here are the rules:

1. Go to your blog archives.
2. Find your 23d post.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Print the text of that sentence.

Now, this is so dumb it almost defies description, only it's described right there above. It's so dumb it, well, it kind of intrigues me. Here I go.

It's from June 1st, 2002.

"I was busy beating Mr M in two games of Scrabble in a row (hahahaha), and I watched TV."

Boy, how my life has changed since then. We hardly ever play Scrabble anymore.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Well, seems Mr OutOfStater did in fact call corporate on us from Wednesday's heaving and hoing. The call was directed to our field office manager, who spoke to the boss, got the scoop, and said, "She did the absolute correct thing. If he should happen to return, give him his faxed out of state information and directions to a neighboring representative." Wow. I think I won.


Blogger Michelle said...

Congratulations! I'm GLAD you won, because that is the only decent way for TCYWF could have expected you to handle the situation. I hope you have learned something from this too - that not taking crap is a good thing!

I also hope that guy went out and got his meds. He was obviously running low on something...

1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go girl!! Of course you won - because you were right! :)

10:10 PM  

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