Sunday, August 27, 2006

Picture Sunday

Hello, end of weekenders.

It was a non-exciting weekend for me here at the Poderosa. Didn't travel, didn't do much of anything, other than play the clarinet and sit around a lot. And I don't stand when I play the clarinet, so, people, it was a lot of sitting.

Anyway, I still have a few pictures for you all, so let's get right to it - Picture Sunday: The Low Camera Batteries Edition.

OK, so I mentioned last week I'd done a job on my hedges. All that work, it really deserved a picture. Here's one.

See that one on the far end? He was the stinker. He was the one with a second bush growing out of him.

And how could I give those hedges a spotlight and forget about the other side of my house?

There they are. Oh, and everybody say "hi" to podmobile2, there gleaming in the sun.

OK, picture of my work, now how about a picture of my latest purchase?

I saw a girl at Clarinetfest with the coolest clarinet case ever. So when I got home I put out an All Points Bulletin till I finally found it online. I have a new clarinet case. And it's pink!

Now, how could a case that cool not make me a better clarinet player? I mean, after all, it's pink! And just to show you it will indeed hold my clarinet....

And look - even the inside fuzzy is pink!

And as for the pictures, friends, I'm afraid that's about it. I guess I could have taken one of myself sitting around, but I'm sure you've all seen that quite enough.

So let's get right to it, the recipe du jour. This one's fun for the whole family. It comes from the "Lunch Portraits" file at cardland, and say hello it it now, The Girl On My Plate.

Well, isn't she just lovely. She's a Deli Boticelli. She's a Lunchmeat Mona Lisa. And she's easy. Well, I mean, you can tell that by looking at her, and we don't morally judge here at Betland, but she's easy to plate as well. She has porcelain deli honey-roasted ham skin, with green bean eyes and chive eyebrows. Her mysterious half-smile is a pimiento. She's wearing a frock of lovely baby spinach organza, and her flaxen mane is cheese in a can. Top it all off with a strawberry bow for dessert, and you have a lunch you can fall in love with.

After I finished my Plate Girl, though, I got to looking at her. She looks a little masculine, doesn't she? I believe she might be a cross-dresser. Yes, I'm caught in my own version of "The Crying Game."

Happy week.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* CD Mix Exchange Alert! Yes, you remember the last one, well, there's a new one on the horizon. Why don't you participate this time around? The rules and song listing are on Stennie's blog - go here and scroll to the August 25th entry to read all about it. Come on, join up. You know you want to.
* And - Hucklebugsters, not that I'm shilling for comments, I'd never do that, but we're recording on Monday this week instead of Tuesday. So if you have comments, get them to the Hucklebug right away. You might win something!
* And it's pink!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack, in a slysdexic moment I posted today's comment to the wrong entry. So sue me. :)

9:27 AM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...

LOVE Girl On A Plate!

LOVE the pink case! KICK ASS!

Hedges look great. . .I love the little flower pots too!

4:42 PM  

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