Monday, January 22, 2007


Hello, Monday sentence-makers! Welcome to another round of acromania.

Well, for those of you who popped in earlier for a Picture Sunday, and didn't find one, let me say it wasn't my fault. I was in B'burg this weekend when the whole town was the lucky recipient of an ice storm. I tried leaving yesterday, but it didn't take. I got from Mr M's to the farthest B'burg exit on the Betty Bet Bet Inspirational Highway, realized it was not going to work, and went back to Mr M's. Where I stayed, got up this morning, came back to B'field and TheCompanyIWorkFor, and, well, no Picture Sunday.

And with that little explanation, here's this week's acrotopic. "Ice."

All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket doesn't mind the occasional weather condition, but then again, he owns no car and doesn't have to be at work. Then tomorrow night at 10 est I shall be reading the entries and naming the winners, who will be frozen until the year of their choosing, and the non-winners, who will be frozen till the year of my choosing.

So, this week's topic, "Ice." The letters:


Egads. Sorry. Well, try and acro anyway.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* No update. Time to podcast.


Blogger Bet said...

This just in from DeepFatFriar, via messenger:

Lemon yellow: It's just............
Look, y'all! It's Jesus!!
Like, yo, it jelled!

5:39 PM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...


Leaves you in jail.
Lonely, yellow ice. Jeepers.
Lord, you is joking?

5:59 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

Less yellow is joyous.

"Louie, you'se iced Joe?"

Love your impressive jewelry

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaning, Yvonne Inched Judiciously.
Lookout! Yonder Icy Junglegym!
Last Year Icy June!

8:57 PM  

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