Sunday, February 11, 2007

Picture Sunday

Hello, end of weekenders, and welcome to another happy round of Picture Sunday.

More of the same this weekend, movies, clarinet duets, a very nice dinner prepared by Mr M. It's warmed up a bit here, gas is higher again, I shopped a bit before going home, Alice the Kitty was alternately very sweet and a colossal pain the ass. I had two separate dreams about her last night (that cat has now invaded my REM sleep), and in one of them I got so mad at her I broke one of her front legs. Therefore, when I woke up I was extra nice to her as she gnawed away on my forearm.

You know, my boy Sherman is always looking for something to do. Just like his adoptive father, Peabody, he's always full of good ideas. And tonight, he asked me if I'd help him illustrate one of those ideas.

See, Sherman has been watching his share of Telemundo lately, and has decided he wants to star in his very own Mexican soap opera. It will be geared towards the younger set, of course, and he wanted to give you all a preview, submitted for your approval.

It's the story of Sherman, Good Little Boy, and his evil twin, Bad Sherman, or Shermano El Diablo. And it might go a little bit like this.

Aquí está Sherman. Sherman es un muchacho muy bueno. Le gusta leer libros por Sr. Alan Arkin. A todo el mundo le gusta Sherman. Pero, Sherman tiene un hermano, un hermano muy malo y malo. Y su nombre es Shermano el Diablo.

Shermano es un muchacho muy malo. Él empujó a su amigo Sr. Huckleberry del barco. Mal Shermano. El perro se enferma en su estómago y no puede nadar. Mal, mal Shermano. Shermano el Diablo.

Shermano también dibuja cuadros sobre la pared con un lápiz. Otra gente debe limpiar la pared. Shermano dibujó una imagen de Peabody sobre la pared. Shermano el Diablo está muy mal.

Shermano puso un cojín de whoopee en la silla favorita de Peabody. Peabody estará muy enfadado. Peabody no gusta sentarse sobre cojines de whoopee. ¡Mal, mal Shermano el Diablo!

Well, you get the idea. He's hoping to pitch it to the Telemundo execs within the year, if he can think of enough bad stuff for Shermano el Diablo to get into.

Anyway, enough silliness, and let's get to the recipe du jour. Or the receta del día, if you will.

You know, there are breakfasts and there are breakfasts. And what kid doesn't want a good sugary breakfast. Hell, let's be honest, what adult doesn't want a good sugary breakfast. But sometimes the cabinets are bare and it's breakfast and you're wondering what in the heck to do. When in doubt, just look down. From the "They're Grrreat!" section in Cardland, please say hello to our recipe du jour, Sugar Frosted Feet.

Sugar Frosted Feet are just what they're advertised as, and it doesn't get any simpler than this. All you need are some feet (I've used my own, but feel free to use a friend's, loved one's, pet's), some frosting, and some sugar. You have a breakfast full of enough sugary energy to keep you going all day, and the frosting feels really good when it squishes between your toes.

Clean up's no fun, though.

Happy week.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* ¡Los lectores de betland son la mejor gente en el mundo!
* By the way, the above was translated from a website, and I haven't studied Spanish since 11th grade, so I couldn't possibly tell you if that says what I wanted it to.


Blogger Lily said...

I think I actually had a chocolate pedicure once. But your version? I'll just say this. Kinky. Sorry, make that muy kinky.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"readers of betland are the best people in the world!"

why, grassy-ass!

1:17 AM  
Blogger Flipsycab said...

El uso de espanol tuyo es muy bueno! Me encanta la historia de Shermano y Mal Shermano. Parece como un telenovela de la calidad super buena! Anadale, chiquitita!

3:43 PM  
Blogger stennie said...

I want to eat those Sugar Frosted Feet. Yum!

1:25 PM  

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