Monday, May 21, 2007


Hello acroites, acroees, and acrootherwise. And welcome to this week's round of acromania.

I've been getting a little weepy lately. Like today. I saw what will be my nephew's final high school baseball game. In two weeks, I'll be seeing what will be his final high school band concert. Yes, my nephew, who I swear was just born yesterday, is getting ready to graduate.

And that's a good topic for an acro. So this week you're going to give me the first line of your graduation speech. Yes, you get to go back in time for a few moments, don your cap and gown, and say a few words to the assembled students and parents. What will you say? Well, that's up to you. This week's acrotopic is, and I've given you a start on your speech, "Fellow students, parents, teachers, administration, and honored guests...." Now, go hog wild.

All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket was valedictorian of his class. Beat out a desk tray who went on to work at the White House during the Reagan years. Then at tomorrow, 10 pm est, I shall be reading the entries and naming the winners, who'll get a nice graduation gift, and the the non-winners, who get to repeat their senior years.

So the topic, "Fellow students, parents, teachers, administration, and honored guests...." The letters:


Your mom's crying, but don't let that stop you - acro.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* I'm tired. It's only Monday. I shouldn't be tired. It's going to be a long week.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Fellow students, parents, teachers, administration, and honored guests...."

Now Hear, Everyone. Rejoice! Now Nonstudent!
Nine Hundred Expert Registered Nurses. Nifty!
No Hating. Everyone Reminisce. Nuzzle Neighbor.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

Neener, homies. (Extremely ridiculous noise now)

Never here. Educated round near nightclubs.

Now hungry. Eating Ramen noodles. Nelliemae :-(

5:46 PM  

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