Monday, August 20, 2007


Hello, Monday gamesters. Yes, you're normally all acroers, acroees, and acroites, but I thought maybe tonight we could stray from the acropath and play something new. Might work, might not.

I was thinking we could play a little round of "Caption the Picture." I was throwing away some old catalogs at work today, and I happened upon that wildest of periodicals, yes the magazine money-back guaranteed to cure insomnia, The Clarinet. I remember when I first received this issue. The cover made me laugh. It's just so completely opposite what their covers normally are, that would be your stuffy clarinetist portraits in black and white, often from the 1940s.

So how about captioning the picture? We'll do it just like acromania. Everyone will get three entries if they like to come up with caption. The acrobasket will sit around and twiddle his handles for a week, and at 10 pm est tomorrow I shall read the entries and name the winners.

Now, what are you waiting for? Caption the damn picture.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* I'm really tired. I have absolutely no reason to be tired, but I'm tired.
* My nephew began his first day of college today. Awwwwwwwwww.



Blogger Duke said...

Sitting on the snake charmer basket was a great idea! WooHoo!

I'm doing the magic rope trick little girl, come closer and I'll show you.

Man, the belly dancers here at Dave's BBQ sure suck

11:35 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

"Why am I taking these lessons at the clown shop?"

"I know my mother always wanted a girl and put me in this sari and put this bindi on my forehead, but couldn't I at LEAST get to play the saxophone or the drums?"

"One time, in band camp....."

9:28 PM  

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