Picture Sunday
Hello, end of weekenders, and what a lovely end of weekend it is. For tomorrow's a holiday, and we have one more day of unworkly solitude.
It's been a good weekend here at the Pod. A little Friday Chilling, well, after a lawn mow. A trip to B'burg on Saturday for clarinet quartets, then back home to weed eat. Then today, it was cleaning in the inside of the Pod, laundry, and a trip outside to, well, rinse off my house.
My house is quite dirty. I guess it's bound to happen. Last year my friend San's husband pressure-washed it for me and had it looking all spiffy, but he hasn't had the time to do so this year. So today I got out the old water hose and had at it, rinsing down the windows, shutters, and siding. It didn't do a lot to help, but, well, I figured it couldn't hurt.
I also rinsed off my car. Which was a little silly, but I had the hose in hand and all. Maybe I'll get out the soap and water and wash it properly tomorrow.
I guess the big news around here is that I'm about to get new neighbors. Yes, just as I was starting to like the renters in the House to the North (aka Shirley's old house), they've taken their baby and moved out. It was just a week ago that I saw the girl outside, baby on hip, in the front yard, letting baby watch me mow.
My new neighbors? I have no idea. I've seen three different entities, any of which could be the new neighbors. It's either a single woman in a Mercedes (I'm very quickly ruling this one out, because no one with a Mercedes would rent that house - it must be one of the owners), an older toddly-looking couple, or a man on a cane. The single woman and cane man were both friendly when I was working outside. It'll be interesting to see who finally emerges from the door as the dweller.
Well, here's my picture for Picture Sunday.
As you know, I've printed a picture here and there of Alice the Cat, the feline owned by Mr M who loves nothing more than the taste of my flesh and the feeling of my skin in her claws. We've decided she thinks I'm a giant mouse.
Sure, you all don't believe me. You think she's a little angel, and her clawing and biting at me is innocent play. Because this is the Alice the Cat you've seen pictures of.

However, recently Mr M got a picture while Alice wasn't looking. He got a picture of the real Alice. This is the Alice who greets me every weekend.

It's a wonder I have any skin at all.
But now I must close up Picture Sunday for another week, and leave you with the recipe du jour. You know, when thinking up recipes du jour, I go for different things. Sometimes it's purely about the food (my PeanutButter, containing peas, nuts, and butter). Sometimes is purely about the look (my Two-Bedroom Mashed Potato Cottage). Or what I like to call the "Bleccch Factor"(my Jell-o Tuna Salad Extravaganza). Then again, sometimes I just plain old like the idea of something (my Lemon Meringue Pea).
And that's where tonight's recipe du jour comes from. When trying to think up this week's dish, it just kept popping back into my head. Would it work? Would it be photogenic? Finally I decided I didn't care, and went full steam ahead. And so say hello to this week's recipe, from the "Ciao!" file at cardland, Cannellini Cannoli.

Yep, it's easy to make, take your cannoli shell, fill it with some cannellini beans, and top with whipped cream. If you're out to impress, and well, let's face it, I am, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and top with a single cannellini.
A perfect companion to a nice Italian dinner, a small glass of brandy, an espresso, or a package of Tums.
Happy week.
Betland's Olympic Update:
* Really. That's the true Alice.
Labels: Picture Sunday
You need to quit pestering that poor kitty till it bites you. Shame on you.
The 3 day weekend would be a good time to paint those pink walls of yours.
A Mercedes is usually the real estate agent. I think it's a law that real estate agents must drive Mercedes.
I love EvilAliceKitty! You see her true nature.
You know, when they think we aren't looking, all kitties look like this. That's why I'm so allergic to them.
What do your plates say?
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