Sunday, January 20, 2008

Picture Sunday

Hello, end of weekenders, and welcome to another round of Picture Sunday. Strange, it isn't actually the waning hours of Sunday night as I post this. It's the waning hours of Sunday afternoon. I'm trying to get all my tasks done because tonight is the big finale of "The Amazing Race," and I want to be able to sit back and enjoy it.

I had a weekend at home this time around, because yesterday was the Dear Nephew's birthday. Nineteen, the boy is. We picked him up at school, then went out to eat. Did Japanese, where I reached a milestone in my forty-some-odd year life. I ate sushi.

I'd eaten sushi before, but not the real raw fish kind, just vegetables, which I don't really count. News flash - I loved it. It was spicy tuna, and it rocked. So the next time I mope on about being in a rut, I'll remind myself I did something new this year.

Birthday picture of The Boy, well, of my Two Boys, because Taytie's close personal friend Sherman came along to celebrate. (You know, Tay has his own Sherman, he's in his room at home, and is enviably clean. Because, as Tay says, "He just hangs in there and chills.")

OK, so don't ask me about the hair, for I do not know. I have no idea what these wacky kids get up to today with the hair. I do know he was wearing a hat earlier, so maybe it was hat-hair and not the chosen style. I think I'm probably wrong, though. I like this picture because it looks like Sherman's hat is on fire.

This one's called, "Drink Up, Little Man."

Whoo. Don't let Peabody see that one.

One final Saturday night picture and we'll leave it. Speaking of not knowing what these wacky kids get up to, my Dear Nephew wore these shoes - and I mean, proudly wore them - out to dinner. Is this some new shoe trend I'm unaware of? If so, please find whoever's responsible for it and shoot him for me.

My sister and I spent many happy moments asking The Boy what clown he beat up and robbed for those shoes.

Let's see. Here's an interesting tidbit. I was the recipient of a rather odd delivery sometime during the day Friday. I came home from work to find this in my yard.

It's a bicycle. Well, OK, that's a bit of stating the obvious, but it's a really nice bike. It's not broken, has both wheels, the chain, seems to be in working order, and looks relatively new. I have no idea why it's there, and if anyone is going to claim it. It's been there for three days now, so I fear it has now become my responsibility. I don't need a bike, especially a kid's bike, but I need to start calling the town and seeing if they'll come and get it and maybe give it to some kid who does need one.

I don't guess Santa just dropped it.... Nah, I guess he's through with his chores for the year.

Actually, I wonder if my mother was right. She said someone probably stole it, saw the police coming, and the Poderosa happened to be the spot where they ditched it and took off on foot.

OK, let's get to the recipe du jour. And to do that, I have to tell you a little something about the DeepFatFriar.

The Friar is a man of many talents, and he may enjoy lots of things. I know two things he enjoys. He likes giving me recipe ideas, and he likes spicing up his food. He puts Tabasco sauce on just about everything he eats. And if you don't believe me? Well, how many men do you know with their very own Tabasco sauce caddy?

I think I've proved my point. On Sunday mornings, when DFF has arrived back at Mr M's after Unitarian Practice, he generally makes a little something to eat, and several times he's made something that - well.... I don't eat macaroni and cheese anymore, it's in fact one of the few foods I've left behind that I still miss, and DeepFatFriar will make up some mac and cheese and give it a good lashing of Tabasco, and it looks so good I want to stick my whole face in it.

So keeping that in mind, and also the fact that he likes to give me recipe ideas, it should be no surprise that this week's recipe is from him, and that it is what it is. From the "One a Penny, Two a Penny - Owwww!" file in cardland, will you please say hello to Hot Sauce Buns.

Hot Sauce Buns are the sure-fire way (oh, Lord have mercy, pardon that pun) to pep up a boring old roll. Melt up some butter, then pour enough hot sauce in it to fell a 300-pound man. Dip your buns in it, and stick them in the oven to bake. All that buttery, fiery goodness will bake right in.

There are several ways to serve Hot Sauce Buns. Plain. With something on them. At your next "This Is What Hell's Going To Be Like" party. Or serve them at a surprise party, and I mean, if you don't tell anyone what you've done to these buns and put them out on a plate, I think you know where the surprise will be.

By the way, Hot Sauce Buns do not make for the most visually stunning picture, but when DeepFatFriar suggested the idea, it made me laugh out loud. And sometimes, laughing out loud is as good as a visually stunning picture.

Happy week.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* I forgot to mention that any time this weekend not birthday- or recipe-related was spent working on the Sixth Great CD Mix Exchange. My goal this time around was to have no hinky moments putting it together. That was all well and good until Friday night, when I did in fact get quite hinky, but got a mix done. However, in the wee hours last night, I decided I wanted to fine tune, and got really hinky today looking for songs and moving things around. I'm done, though.
* Well, I think I'm done. There's still a few hours to completely retool the whole damn thing.



Blogger Duke said...

You should wait a couple of weeks to send the CDs out.

You can safely open all the others because I didn't do the mix this time. No more looking at the return address to find mine before you accidently open it.

I liked the shoes. You could find them in the dark. Did they have a brightness knob on them?

Sherman obviously had a snoot full. Shame on him

2:09 AM  
Blogger Lily said...

I'm with you on Taytie's shoes. Now, I might get something like that for Monkey in the next three years or so, but after that? No.

The Hot Sauce Buns actually look good. Butter and hot sauce? Yum. And I note the Tabasco caddy. It's funny, I don't like regular Tabasco sauce (I prefer Franks Red Hot or Texas Pete), but I have found I like the chipotle Tabasco on the righ products.

Happy Birthday Taytie, even with the shoes.

7:22 AM  

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