(A day on which your humble blogger turns the reins over to the inimitable Mr Peabody....)

I must admit to you I'm rather upset by this opportunity, which I was actually quite excited about in the beginning. You see, I came up with two excellent acronym opportunities only to have them both vetoed by Elizabeth. The first was "Create Your Own Algebraic Formula," and that was closely followed by "Fun With The Periodic Table." Elizabeth said neither of these would "work."
So I continued forth. As you all know, I built and operate the WABAC machine, a sophisticated contraption I built for my boy, Sherman. In it, we go back to various points in history and visit famous figures. We often help them out to make sure they "got things right," so to speak.
Today's acronym is, "What Is Your WABAC Machine Fantasy?" If you were allowed one trip in the WABAC, where would you go, who would you visit, or what would you do? Simple, people. Very simple.
The rules for acronym are as follows. Every person playing gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can muster. This acronym must match the topic above and the letters below. Those letters are drawn from a small, round, wicker basket that Elizabeth has deemed the acrobasket, and has given human qualities to. Elizabeth's rather silly at times. Tomorrow night at 10:00 est sharp, I shall read the entries submitted and name the winners of, ahem, acromania.
The topic is, "What Is Your WABAC Machine Fantasy?" The letters shall follow.
So there you have it. Your assignment. I suggest you put on your thinking cap and play.
Mr Peabody's Olympic Update:
* Elizabeth seems to keep a clothespin in her basket. It's very annoying.
Labels: Acrochallenge
From DFF
"What Is Your WABAC Machine Fantasy?" The letters shall follow.
Ancient Romans overlook yodeling south Britains.
All royal ostentation yields silly bullshit.
Astronauts reuse old Yemeni silos. Ballistic!
Along Riviera, oiling young Sonny Bono (disclaimer -- not true. Blame acrobasket for letter selection)
Apple? Rejection of Yahweh? Something biblical.
Amiably rowing on Yangtze -- such bliss.
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