(A day on which your humble blogger turns the reins over to the newest member of the Poderosa commune, clarinet deliverer Che Guellama.)
Soy Che Guellama. Llama #27 de Chile. Trabajo para Sr Luis Rossi. Entrego los clarinetes.
Quiero vivir en Virginia.
¡Viva La Poderosa!
Che's Olympic Update:
* Soy una llama buena.
Labels: Around The Pod
Llama #27 who works for Mr. Rossi? How many Llamas does that guy have slaving over a hot clarinete furnace?
I'd want to live in Virginia too with a boss like that.
I'm sure you're a very good Llama but you need immigration papers. I'd apply for citizenship first.
Did you pay $100? I had to pay the Chilean Government $100 to enter their country on vacation. In greenbacks at the airport, no credit cards.
I'd gladly pay $100 to leave Chile. Sounds like a bargain.
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