Monday, March 31, 2008

Picture Acrochallenge!

Hello, beginning of weekers, and acroers as well.

You know, I had a recipe du jour last night, but I was tired, busy, and didn't get around to making a Picture Sunday to post it. Therefore, I thought I'd turn it into this week's acromania.

I have a reason for the recipe. Yes, when did you ever think you'd see a recipe du jour with a purpose?

I bought some cereal a while back. I realized I wasn't getting enough fiber in my diet. There are all kinds of commercials at the moment for foods designed to, well, not to put too fine a point on it, to keep your gastrointestinal area in line. Dannon's hawking Activia Yogurt, and Kashi's cereals are apparently so good at this they (as their commercials show) turned a 57 year-old man into a marathon runner. (He apparently trains by running for the bathroom.)

So I went checking food labels to find something with the least sugar, and found Kashi Go Lean. And this time to put a fine point on it, it sucks. It looks and tastes like barn scrapings. I ate two bowls over two weeks, and it now sits in my cabinet.

So I decided since the Next Big Thing is food that makes you "go," I'd create my own, and maybe make my fortune and bid the working world goodbye. From the "Breakfast Cereal" file in cardland, please say hello to my new breakfast cereal, Hoppies.

Yes, they'll have you hopping, all right. In fact, Hoppies is full of all natural ingredients, and those ingredients are Kashi Go Lean, sauerkraut, corn, and prunes. If that's not a straight trip to a healthier intestine, I don't know what is.

Now, let's turn this into an acro. No, it won't be, "What Happened To You When You Ate Hoppies." It shall be, "Tell Me About Your Breakfast Cereal." Would yours be sugar and prize-filled? Served hot, with butter? Made of shredded cardboard? The possibilities are endless.

Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket is the living embodiment of fiber. Then tomorrow night at 10:00 est, I shall be reading the entries and naming the winners.

So, the topic, "Tell Me About Your Breakfast Cereal." The letters:


Now, chow down, and acro.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* And an Olympic update it is! My second Comfy Chair Cinema movie is now up. Please hit the Comfy Chair Cinema link on your left there, or I'll make it easy, go here, and view the latest movie. I'm quite proud of it. I made it all by myself.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang - how many takes did that really take to get that ending just right?? Those Lederhosen performed so perfectly!!

I love the acro - my new time zone messes with me since I tend to wait until Tuesday night to find acro - and then I am too late.

Sorry excuse, I know!

Dainty Egg Noodles. Like Yodeling Lederhosen.
Does Eat Nice Long Yellow Legunes.
Dishes. Eggs, Nifty Lorraine. Yogurt, Lemon.

11:28 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

Definitely eaten -- natural large yellow logs.

Doctors ecstatic -- nuts, leaves, young locusts.

Do eggs. Never lose your lunch.

4:19 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Let me tell you about my breakfast cereal:

Donuts, energetically nebulized, light yak leg.

Don't expect nasty lists: Yellow Liver.

Damaged, excreted nuts, legumes, yellow lentils.


9:42 PM  

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