Sunday, March 23, 2008

Picture Sunday

Hello, end of weekenders, and welcome to another round of Picture Sunday. It's a particularly hard Sunday night for me. I was off from work Thursday afternoon, Friday, yesterday, and today. Going back tomorrow shall be less than fun.

Now, don't think I don't realize that I've been doing a lot of pictureless Picture Sundays lately. I do. So I thought I'd browse through my files and files (and files) of pictures and see if there's anything I've missed showing you. And guess what I found - pictures from the day we helped Kellie (with an ie) pack up and move away. A sad day, indeed. However, a few happy moments. Because while no one was looking, I put some stuff on my head!

Yes, it's another edition of Picture Sunday - Stuff On My Head!

Here's a picture of me with a cake pan on my head. And I have the expression of someone, well, who surely must have a cake pan on her head. (Actually, this was the first picture, and I was devilishly happy I was getting away with this.)

Well, certainly not very flattering, but I guess that's to be expected on a hot day when you're helping someone pack all their worldly possessions into boxes.

From the same box, how about me with a sieve on my head?

OK, so I shall know in the future not to buy any beanies or close-fitting hats. That's just awful.

However, I soon left the kitchen boxes and found something very near and dear to Kellie's heart. She loves cows, you know.

Nothing says "I shall remember all our good times together" like putting someone's cow on your head.

OK, now that that embarrassment is over with, I have a big announcement to make.

Big Announcement.

Ahem. Ahem.

Yes, as you all know, I got that digital camcorder for my birthday (thanks, Mr M), and I'm determined to do something with it, namely refurbish and reopen the closed-down (for health reasons) Comfy Chair Cinema. And tonight is the grand reopening.

We have moved the cinema, however. And that, my friends, is some serious refurbishing. Instead of having a link on my main webpage, which I now neglect with fervor, I've started the Comfy Chair Cinema Blog. Yes, if you'll look to your left, you'll see a link right there at the top of the blogrolling list where you can access it. Bookmark it, for any new movie we finish - notice I said finish! - will be linked there to view. I'm putting them up on You Tube in an effort to embarrass the shit out of myself and anyone who participates with me.

And our first movie is up. Please visit the cinema and have a look. If you dare. Link here below tonight, and to the left from here on. I'll make Olympic Update announcements if anything new goes up.

The Comfy Chair Cinema

OK, news flash out of the way, let's get to the recipe du jour.

You know, today is Easter. Did you know that? Good. I don't really celebrate Easter, not that I have anything against it, but I thought I'd try and make another holiday recipe, just like last week. It's from the "Holiday Lunches" file at cardland, will you say hello, as he hippity hops into your dining rooms, to The Easter Beany.

Yes, what says the resurrection of our Lord and Savior like a bunny made out of pinto beans? Nothing! Just take your beans, shape a bunny, and add your accoutrements. Do bunnies have whiskers? Well, mine does, they're cheese. Ketchup mouth and ear interiors, and olive eyes. And the poor fella has no nose, which, after the beans are eaten, I guess is a good thing.

Happy week.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Remind me never to eat gravy again. I'm too old. It makes my heart burn.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some real cows very close to the Poderosa East. Care to?

10:59 PM  

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