Monday, April 07, 2008


Hello, acroers. And all the rest. And welcome to another round of acromania.

You know, I was driving today. I was driving to the optometrist's. I had an appointment. (I just don't drive there for a past-time, you know.) And on my way, I saw something on a church marquee.

Now, I live in the Bible Belt, and so I see many, many pithy sayings on church marquees. So many I don't even notice them anymore. They're not clever, they're not edgy, they don't make me want to go to church. I've become oblivious to them.

Except this one. For all it said was, "What Did You Do With Jesus?"

This marquee stopped me in my tracks. All I could think of when first seeing it was, "What? Jesus is missing?" Then I began to think about it literally, what did you do with Jesus? Play cards? Go fishing? Take him for a ride on your new scooter? What?

Tonight's acrotopic is, "What Did You Do With Jesus?"

All the other rules are the same. Everyone gets three entries to come up with the best acronym they can that not only matches the topic above, but also the letters below, which are randomly drawn from the acrobasket. The acrobasket spent a Sunday collecting money for Jesus. Then tomorrow night at 10:00 est I shall be reading the entries and naming the winners.

So the topic, "What Did You Do With Jesus?" The letters:


Now, send Jesus home and acro.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* My eyes are doing very well, might I add. I got lesser prescriptions for both eyes.



Blogger Michelle said...

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11:32 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Here's what I done did with Jesus:

Danced seductively down United's tarmac "A"

Drugs, Sex, dirty undulations, tasted apples.

Drowned several dogs under the Appomattox

11:34 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

Trying to avoid eternal damnation with this topic...

Didn't sin, did use the absolution.

Discovered savior despises ugly tiny animals!

Dropped stones directly upon the apostates.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Samba. Danced Under Tricky Arch.
Did Sing, Dance. Unstoppable Talking. Amen.
Discussed Sin, Dogma, Ultimate Truth, Aliens.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DFF here.

So the topic, "What Did You Do With Jesus?" The letters:


Diced. Sliced. Dismembered. Urethrectomied. Trepanned. Atomized.

Disproved stupid deistic utterances to all.

Dined sumptuously down under the aquaduct.

2:18 PM  
Blogger stennie said...


1. Donned suits, dove under the atoll.
2. Didn't steal Don's underwear, that's all.
3. Drove south, didn't understand the anthems.

8:05 PM  

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