Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Obama Diet

Well, as I sit here writing this, the hinkiness has finally left me. For about two hours earlier tonight, I just wasn't sure. Then Ohio, Iowa, New Mexico, and whammo, blooey, and bang-zoom, we're having an Obama Night.

I'm overjoyed.

I voted today, as you can see from the photo. I didn't get to wear the button, though, because here in Virginia voters were not allowed to wear clothing or buttons touting political candidates. So instead I went to vote as a Blue State. Blue jeans, blue blouse, blue socks, blue shoes. And now it's just come in, Virginia is blue. Yippee!

Sherman is only ten, and he can't vote anyway, because he's a cartoon character. However, starting yesterday he found a special way to show his Obama support. His diet has consisted of only foods shaped like the letter O. Yesterday it was Cheerios for breakfast, Spaghettios for lunch, and donuts for dinner. Today it was Fruit Loops for breakfast, a bagel for lunch with some onion rings on the side, and, as I was having pizza tonight, Sherman announced he'd only partake if I cut the middle out to turn it into an Opizza. Which of course I did. He's been sucking the odd Life Saver, and as the historic announcement came, was finishing off a piece of Bundt cake.

I'm now waiting to see Barack come out and address the crowd at Grant Park. I have lots on my mind, too much to organize into a coherent blog.

All I know is that, for the first time in a long time, I'm really proud of this country. Now - let the change begin.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Acrowinners, we have acrowinners. So, how did you convince us to vote?
- Winner is qoatip, with her "Democratic Daughters Fear Hitleristic Neo-Republicans." Not anymore, love!
- Runner-Up is DeepFatFriar, with his "Democrats! Democrats forever! Hell no, Republicans!" (Although I must say, after your second entry, I want to read your diary!)
- And this week's winner is Kellie (with an ie), with what I think is a completely brilliant acro, "Doing Duty. Feeling Hope, Not Republican." Yes! I'm feeling lots of hope tonight!
- Thanks to all who played, you've all done very well!



Blogger Duke said...

When Sherman appeared on the Rocky and Bullwinkle show in 1961 he was 10. He'd now be 57 years old. He's held up well but plenty old enough to vote, if he wasn't a cartoon character that is.

Not that there's anything wrong with being a cartoon character.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've covered all the circular foods I can think of. Calamari rings, perhaps?


12:36 PM  
Blogger Marla Bronstein said...

are Kellie with and IE and I both winners?

5:49 PM  
Blogger Bet said...

Well, I certainly said that, didn't I? And I must honor what I say! Winners all around!

10:43 PM  

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