Picture Sunday
Hello, end of weekenders. Welcome to a short edition of Picture Sunday.
Ahhhh, no Oktoberfest. Remember for the past seven weeks how I bitched and pissed and moaned about how I was really going to start getting some stuff done after it was all over with? Well, this was my first weekend "free," and I did - well, not much.
I did clean a little bit to start Friday Chill Night. It was time to deal with the Oktoberfest bomb that that gone off in my house. I put away my Sauerkraut Band trappings, put horns and accessories back in their places, cleaned the kitchen floor, got caught up with laundry, and cleaned the spare bedroom, aka The Beast, which had become The Beast yet again and needed straightening up in a big way. And somehow...
...oh my...
...somehow that led into working on closets, moving out summer and clothes and moving in winter clothes. When I realized that I'm way short on closet space and this was going to cut a wide swath into Martini Time, I let that go and left things as they were. Straight, but not necessarily unfinished.
Yesterday I was to go to a concert, to see Southern Culture on the Skids, but somehow talked myself out of it. I was tired, my sister (who was going with me) was tired, and I didn't want to travel and stay out late and possibly have to stay overnight. So we decided together we'd give them a pass this time around, and instead I got up way too early and met my cousin Jacob for an auction.
It didn't go well. And there's a specific reason for this. I'm cheap. I mean, I'm damned cheap, which I guess is a good thing, because I'm not really flush with money at the moment, but every item that came up that interested me, I'd bid, bid, bid, then back out. Came out empty-handed, well, almost empty-handed, bought a small bauble.
Hung around the house Saturday night, still not watching movies, and then Mr M came down today and we played a few clarinet duets (boy, did I suck), then went to Granny & Paw's for dinner.
And that's about it, folks.
I do have a couple of pictures for you, though. In all those Oktoberfest pictures last week I realized that I'd forgotten something very important, and I know two little characters who'll be very angry at me if I don't make up for it.
Because along with last weekend being the final Oktoberfest of the season, it was also Halloween!
I had a grand total of one trick-or-treater. That beats last year's total of zero. Anyway, Sherman and Good Luck Baby Lily were out and about collecting candy, and it I thought you might like to see their costumes.
Sherman went as Sherman of Arabia.
That gave him a good opportunity to untie and ride his camel, Bumpy. Bumpy's not very sociable, and doesn't see a lot of action around the Poderosa.
Lily picked her costume, too. She went as a mummy.
Lily loves the TV commercials with the Michelin Man on them. To her, he's a mummy, and so that's what she wanted to be on Halloween. Her favorite Michelin commercial is the one where the Michelin Man goes hunting for, and finally finds, his Michelin Dog. Lily gave her very best longing look to Peabody, but he was not falling for it for a minute.
So there you go. Still waiting for the time and gumption to do the recipe du jour idea I've had for several weeks. It'll show up one day.
Happy week.
Betland's Olympic Update:
* Mr M and Paw had one of the more interesting dinner-table conversations I've ever known them to have. About bands and the Civil War. I think you had to be there. Not at the war, at the table.
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