Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Betland has the flu.

Which is a shame, because I have a couple of interesting things to relate. But they'll have to wait. I'm going back to bed.


Blogger Duke said...

Flu season is peaking around here too. They've closed some schools. Sorry to hear you've caught it.

They told us on the news the flu shot had no effect on type B flu but it was somewhat effective on type A. Don't know if you got a shot this year but even if you did it doesn't protect against the most common kind. Makes you wonder why bother.

Get well soon.

1:23 AM  
Blogger Lily said...

Feel better. I think the news is also full of doo-doo, as here they told us that this year's flu shot was pretty effective. I'm sure that's making you feel a lot better now.

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Curds of ugly gunk, hawked.
Come on! Upend Goldschlager halfpints!
Crud unclogger: Use golden honey.

Hope you are feeling better.


9:03 AM  
Blogger Lily said...

Are we better yet?

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang - dff TOTALLY wins that acro. What a great job!

Hope you are feeling better today since it's the weekend. It's not right to be sick on a day off.

5:22 PM  

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