Sunday, June 14, 2009

Picture Sunday

Hello, end of weekenders, and welcome to another edition of Picture Sunday.

Wow, what a weekend. No, wait. Wow, what a weekend!

My Friday Chill became a Friday Trip when I decided, quite late in the afternoon, to travel up to Lewisburg, WV to see the Hackensaw Boys. Believe it or not, I'd been waffling back and forth on going for some two weeks. I hadn't felt good, I was tired, I didn't know what would be going on with my mom and dad, I'd never been to the place before.... I just couldn't make my myself get excited about going.

Finally on Friday afternoon I decided that, since the Boys were heading out west soon, I probably wouldn't get to see them all summer, so I finally said "screw it" and bought a ticket. And headed out after work.

The venue was a nice coffee shop with a stage at the front window. It was called the Wild Bean, but I also saw them listed as the Wild Brew, so I thought maybe coffee and a microbrewery. This was not to be. It was coffee or nothing, which didn't bother me in the least. I can drink coffee till the cows come home.

I arrived early and got a chance to speak to some of the boys and, yes, pour myself some coffee from the many flavors they brewed. By the time the show started I'd worked my way onto the floor, telling myself I'd dance a while till I finally gave out, then roam around and take some pictures or videos, then maybe find a seat.

It was hot in that place, and there was no air conditioning. Hell - there was no air. But when the Hackensaws started playing, their special magic took over, and suddenly I'd forgotten all about the past six or so weeks. All the aches, pains, nervous breakdowns, family troubles, work crap, it all left me and I started dancing and didn't stop till it was over. I, ladies and gentlemen, had a blast.

I got one more cup of coffee for the road home, said goodbye to the Hackensaws I found, and hit the trail south. It wasn't as long a trip as I'd thought, so I was back home by 1:30 am. It was a great night.

I've said this so many times before, but the Hackensaws are so talented, and such nice boys, and they just play their hearts out. If they're ever in your town, I urge to go see them and say hello.

Like I said, I was busy dancing around like a madwoman, but there was a point in the proceedings where I noticed the banister leading up to the stage, and well, you know Sherman and how he likes to get into Hackenaw pictures....

The only down side of the whole evening was that I got a hand stamp while entering the venue that was so thick of ink I didn't think it would ever dry. After the show back in the car I turned on the car light and realized that where I'd sweated I had blue ink from basically my fingers to my forearm. I cannot believe it didn't get in my face, or on my white blouse, I don't know how I escaped. However, someone else wasn't so lucky.

If anyone knows how to remove ink from a little stuffed boy's face, please give me some ideas.

Saturday I got up early and headed to B'burg for clarinet quartets with Mr M and two of his students. It was fun, lots of playing and laughter, then Mr M made dinner for us all.

Last week he visited a local music shop that's going out of business because its owner is retiring. He bought lots of musical bits and pieces, some tambourines, cymbals, clarinet accessories. But he also bought a box of clarinet parts. I thought it would make an interesting picture.

Then it was back home last night to record the Hucklebug podcast with Stennie, and work some on the Comfy Chair movie. Which didn't go swimmingly. I stayed up till about 5:00 this morning, but not out of obligation, out of having fun working on this and that and listening to music.

Then today it was loafing around the house. Where, wonder of wonders, I had an epiphany of the highest order and the Comfy Chair movie came into being. And I'm really really proud of it, so please head over to see it.

There's no recipe this week because I'm lazy and don't feel like getting out the scanner. Sorry to the recipe fans, but there'll be one next time.

Happy week.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* Again, the Comfy Chair movie is up for viewing at the Comfy Chair Cinema website!



Blogger Marla Bronstein said...

OMG the boys are coming to Seattle in July!!! I may just have to check them out!

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Mike said...

So you're planning on making one BIG clarinet?

2:11 AM  
Blogger Lily said...

Hmm. I would try a paste of oxyclean powder and some water, and maybe some liquid Tide. There isn't much that can't be cleaned that way.

6:28 AM  
Blogger The Calico Quilter said...

Some inks can be removed with alcohol, but it might fade the color, so try it somewhere undercover first. I used to get ballpoint ink marks on my clothes at a job years ago, and it worked for ink on polyester (I DID say it was years ago.)

On the other hand, if Sherman is washable, Lily's idea may be the best. She's got all that baby mess experience.

By the way, I'm Mrs. Duke. Pleased to meet you.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

It looks like someone had clarinet for supper and tossed all the bones in a cardboard box.

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That all came out very well!

3:23 PM  
Blogger Lily said...

The Oxyclean paste thing doesn't have to go in the washer. You make a concentrate, put it on, and blot it off. My couch has been cleaned with it several times with no ill effects. I have done the same thing with Liquid Tide, but that's harder to rinse off.

8:24 PM  

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