Sunday, August 08, 2010

Picture Sunday

Ouch. Blog goes from a Picture Sunday to a Picture Sunday. Someone hasn't been working hard enough.

But never mind. Hello, end of weekenders, and welcome to another round of Picture Sunday.

We haven't done this in a while, so why not? It's a mind-numbing edition of "Guess What It Is!"

For the uninitiated, the pictures below will be close-ups of everyday things. You have to guess what they are. Two disclaimers - first of all, I never know if they're easy or hard. They all seem very easy to me, but then again, I'm taking the pictures. And also, I always like to give a nod to Games Magazine, where I orginially saw this idea in their feature "Eyeball Benders."

So lets' get started. I'll start you easy. Anyone know what this is? You just might have one in your own house.

How about this? You should, I know you have one of these.

OK, then how about this one - if you don't get it, my feelings just might be hurt.

Some of you will get this one immediately, I'm sure.

I have a strange unexplained affinity for these. What are they?

Ahh, another easy one. Bet you'll all know it.

And finally, how about this object, friend to all?

All rightie, there you have it. If you want to make a guess as to what the pictures are of, just leave a comment. The only prizes are the pride of knowing you have good sight.

I'll post the answers with the next blog, which will hopefully (ha!) come Tuesday or Wednesday.

Happy week.

Betland's Olympic Update:
* The old iPod died yesterday. That wasn't fun, but it was fun going to pick out a new one. I got the newest generation nano (8th, methinks), pink, with four times the storage space as my old one. Spent all day here working with it and re-organizing and cleaning up my iTunes. Oh, hell, why not. Here's a picture.


Anonymous Capt. A said...

They're all me, and so's my wife.

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Krizzer said...

Dang Bet, those are hard. I only have guesses for #1 (bicycle helmet?) and #3 (Mona Lisa?) Other than that, I'm totally stumped. But I LOVE this game!

1:49 AM  
Blogger Duke said...

Geez, Bet, these are tough. I'll just give some wild guesses:

1. Bike helmet (I'm with Krizzer).
2. Coat Hanger?
3. I dunno
4. No Idea
5. Cheeto salad
6. Milo fur
7. Your expiration date?

Also, why is Sherman giving me the finger next to your ipod?

2:25 PM  

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