Picture Sunday
Hello, end of weekenders, and welcome to another round of Picture Sunday. Before we go into anything, though, let me tell you something - be sure to read the Olympic Update after the blog. It's important and involves you, dear reader.
OK. The weekend.
First of all, the bad. And the pictureless. My mom, aka Granny, is back in the hospital. Same thing, cellulitis, infection of the skin and tissues. You know how I say it happens every three weeks? I'm not joking. She entered the hospital 22 days after her last release.
I went to see her today and she's actually a little bit chipper. Not lethargic like she usually is right after being admitted, so maybe it's not as bad a case, or we got her there in time for a speedier treatment.
Anyway - it all starts again. I'll keep you posted.
Now, last week I told you a story about Mr M, a bad camping trip, and how I got a new houseguest in Chilly Willy. A quasi-new reader, the Quantum Mechanic, said he liked this kind of stuff, and, well, I like to keep my readers happy.
And boy, do I have a story to tell you about Sherman and Peabody.
See, I can tell you now. I couldn't while it was happening. It was ultra hush-hush.
Tuesday, Mr Peabody and his pet boy packed their suitcases and headed for Washington, DC, at the invitation of one President of the United States Barack Obama. See, during the campaign Peabody did some top-secret statistical and strategic work for President Obama, told him about his boy and what a big fan he was, of the President and his whole family, and after he was elected, Obama was kind enough to invite them to the White House for a visit. It took a while because schedules had to be freed up, but it happened this week.
The rest of the cartoon characters had to stay behind, I'm afraid, they didn't pass security clearances, but Sherman has just been over the moon since he got back. He said the President was a swell and cool man, smart, funny, and nice. He said Mrs President was very sweet, and took him on a tour of the White House. And he also got to play on the Presidential Swingset with Sasha and Malia. And - he got to play with the First Doggie.
They arrived early Wednesday morning, and the President had an appearance at a local school. He kindly asked Sherman to come along, knowing what a good friend-maker the boy is, and Sherman jumped at the chance. They talked about school and government, and the kids got to ask what it's like to be President. Then they had milk and cookies.
After the school trip, the rest of the day was free. Sherman and Peabody had lunch with the President and he told them some of his funniest campaign stories. Then they went bowling in the White House lane. Sherman was going to ask for a game of tag, but Peabody put the kibosh on that. Way too messy. After bowling, Mr President needed to sign a few copies of his books for fans, so he poured Sherman a giant root beer and they chilled for a while.
Finally, S and P headed back to the hotel, President Obama had to make a speech, and again invited the boys. He really was grateful to Mr Peabody for all his campaign work, and so was kind enough to give P a featured spot on the podium during his speech.
(Yes, he's up there. He's just a small dog. Small in size, large in influence.)
Now, Picture Sunday's going up right before midnight tonight because we had to wait for the photos to be delivered by special courier. While I was waiting, I decided to get out my computer drawing pad and play around. I made a picture of a psychedelic Mr M!
I'm still new to using the tablet, but I'm having fun.
And now to the recipe du jour. Yes, I also had time to get out the scanner while waiting for the special courier.
Like salmon? I don't. Like canned salmon? I don't. When I was a kid, that was the only kind of salmon we had at our house, in the form of salmon cakes and gravy. Canned salmon has those crunchy round bone-like things in it. Creeps me the hell out. So I guess it comes as no surprise that tonight's recipe sends a bit of a chill up my spine. From the "budget dishes" (makes sense, I'm sure that's why we had salmon cakes once a week) file in cardland, please say a sea-faring hello to Canned Salmon in Shells.
All right. What is this recipe? It's a friggin' lie, that's what it is. In shells? When I read the recipe's name, I thought, "Hmmm, pasta shells stuffed with canned salmon. That should be good and icky." Little did I realize that "shells" meant "fake clam shells." Hoo-hah. Anyway, in looking at the ingredients, I realized that this dish is little more than salmon cakes in said fake shells. So we're back to icky. To be served with peas with little red flecks in them, the world's blandest tossed salad, and a shitload of cucumbers. And enough lemon wedges to, hopefully, take away the taste of the canned salmon.
Happy week.
Betland's Olympic Update:
* OK, dear readers, here's where I'm asking for your requests. Mr Quantum Mechanic liked stories about the cartoon characters. What about you? Wanna hear about my day at work? Want a recipe? A list of some sort? I was thinking about incorporating a one night per week "request" blog into Betland. If there's enough interest, of course. If there's something you'd like, be sure to let me know, via comments or email.
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